Boots Riley and Jharrel Jerome on Breaking Stereotypes of the Black Protagonist in I’m a Virgo

We caught up with actor Jharrel Jerome and creator/writer/director/showrunner Boots Riley about the Amazon Prime series I’m a Virgo. Following the coming-of-age story of the 13-foot-tall Cootie, lead actor Jerome had fun playing the childlike wonder of the sheltered protagonist. Though Cootie is “miles and miles behind socially,” he still possesses a surprising wisdom.  Creator Boots Riley intentionally developed a character that goes against the tropes of the typical Black protagonist. Riley wanted to show that Cootie has a loving family and others who immediately embrace him, not simply to “be different,” but to “show how the world is” through the specificity of the character.

Riley intended to break rules and encourage the audience to suspend their disbelief in both the storytelling and technical elements of the series. In navigating the mental gymnastics of shooting when playing a 13-foot-tall man, Jharrel connected with cast-mates outside of filming and got to know their mannerisms, so when he was shooting with only their voice to play from, his reactions would align perfectly. The detailed storyboarding process not only helped Jerome in his journey as an actor, but gave Riley an enhanced sense of the small details that determine whether Cootie is perceived as the hero or the villain of the story.

Watch the full conversation below.

The coming-of-age joyride of Cootie, a 13-foot-tall man who escapes to experience the beauty and contradictions of the real world. He forms friendships, finds love, navigates awkward situations, and encounters his idol, The Hero.

Jharrel Jerome (I'm a Virgo)

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